The Clever Boy and the Terrible, Dangerous Animal

By Idries Shah  |  Illustrated by Rose Mary Santiago
Ages: 3–8

ISBN: 978-1-883536-18-3 (hardback) $18.00
ISBN: 978-1-942698-23-4 (paperback) $11.90
Hardback: 32 pages
Paperback: 36 pages

When a boy visits another village, he is amazed to find the townspeople terrified of something that—just because they have not seen it before—they mistake for a terrible, dangerous animal. With his own knowledge and by demonstration, he helps them overcome their fears.

Rose Mary Santiago’s illustrations accentuate the surprise in this story in a clever way that will delight youngsters. This is the second book in this series illustrated by her, following the award-winning best seller The Farmer’s Wife.