Hoopoe continues to gather traditional and modern tales from around the world, from which young readers can both be entertained and learn.
Tales For The Dreamer
The timeless tales that leaven Rita Wirkala’s gripping adventure novel are drawn from a wide variety of traditions – from Western Europe, to North Africa and the Middle East, to Central Asia.
Dende Maro: The Golden Prince
Told and Illustrated by Sally Mallam. Illustrations created from the rock art of Africa.
Received a “Noteworthy 2010” distinction from Children’s Africana Book Awards (CABA)
Stories exist in all cultures and an analysis of the stories throughout the world shows that the same ones recur time and again in different cultures. The Wisdom Of Ahmad Shah and The Stranger’s Farewell are retold from Afghan sources by the Afghan teacher and storyteller Palwasha Bazger Salam.

“Tales for THE DREAMER is a real page-turner. By setting it in the near future while making use of the best storytelling traditions from the past, Rita Wirkala has created something unique, enriching and thoroughly enjoyable for young adults and adults alike.”
– JonArno Lawson, award-winning author of The Playgrounds of Babel, Inklings, The Hobo’s Crowbar and other titles.