The Old Woman and The Eagle

By Idries Shah  |  Illustrated by Natasha Delmare
Ages: 3–11

ISBN: 978-1-883536-27-5 (hardback) $18.00
ISBN: 978-1-942698-18-0 (paperback) $11.90
Hardback: 32 pages
Paperback: 36 pages

In this amusing story, an old woman encounters an eagle for the first time. Perplexed by its unfamiliar appearance, she decides to change it to suit her own ideas of what a bird should look like. Her efforts mirror a common pattern of human thought: altering the unfamiliar to make it acceptable.

Natasha Delmar lives and works in the Bay Area. She is the daughter of the celebrated classic Chinese painter Ng Yi-Ching, who taught her to paint.