The Wisdom of Ahmad Shah

By Palwasha Bazger Salam  |  Illustrated by Natasha Delmar
Ages: 8–13

ISBN: 978-1-942698-17-3 (paperback) $11.90
Paperback: 36 pages

Some two hundred and fifty years ago, the great King Ahmad Shah Durrani ruled Afghanistan. His magnificent empire extended from eastern Iran to northern India, and from the Amu Darya to the Indian Ocean. Known to his people as Ahmad Shah Baba (Ahmad Shah, our father), the king was an outstanding general and a just ruler. But he was vexed with troubles and needed to find someone with the right qualities to help him — but how?

This intriguing legend is retold for young people by the Afghan storyteller and teacher Palwasha Bazger Salam, and is beautifully illustrated by the Bay Area artist Natasha Delmar. Natasha has illustrated two other Hoopoe books: The Old Woman and the Eagle and Fatima the Spinner and the Tent, both by Idries Shah.

Among other things, the story provides a framework through which young readers can consider and discuss the qualities needed for a useful and happy life. Additional pages include a short biography of Ahmad Shah, a map of the Durrani Empire, and suggested discussion points.